
Wednesday 10 February 2010

Well whadd'ya know!


Just as I thought, shortening the skirt and cutting a new facing for the hem was really very easy. I actually just used the original pattern piece as a guide to get the correct curve and then sliced off the bottom of the skirt and used the off cut as the facing. I had to unpick the seams for this bit though because it wouldn't quite fit round otherwise. I then sewed the facing to the bottom of the skirt, set about ironing it, realised the seam was going to be on the outside, unpicked it and did it again correctly. Then I had a cup of tea while I got used to the idea that I needed to hand sew the top of the facing to the inside of the skirt. Frankly I could have done with something a bit stronger, I do hate hand sewing, but I didn't want it to look like it had been sewn by a blind donkey so tea it was. Clearly I got on and did it and I'm really pleased with the end result. So pleased in fact that if Jess doesn't come and claim it soon I may just have to keep it! Actually I do have plans for one of my own, but with a few little modifications. More on that soon, but for now I'm just going to bask in the glory of a job (finally!) well done.

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