
Sunday 7 February 2010

Cable Why!

I've been trying to write this post about my Knotty but Nice for a little while now, but every time I think about it I become overcome with entirely unnecessary rage! Needless to say it is not going well and the red mist is not really helping with my problem solving. The silly thing is that I don't think it is even that bad, but I can't find the problem and unknitting cables is a total pain in the arse. I think I'll have to put it aside for a couple of days until I've stopped being angry with it and no doubt I will then get it sorted in seconds. Now, I am aware that I regularly recommend knitting as a brilliant way to relax and my current attitude isn't really endorsing this! Getting frustrated with something that I do purely for pleasure does seem a bit silly, but I guess that means that I am challenging myself rather than just sitting down with a simple mindless project. It's probably character building!

So while that hat is on the naughty step I am going to try and revisit an old project that has been hanging around for a while...the Marie skirt that I started sewing for Jess sometime around August. I'm not entirely sure why I ground to a halt on this one, I think it is because it needs shortening and that means that the facing for the hem will need to be a different size to the original pattern piece. For some reason I have convinced myself this will be hard. It won't, so hopefully I can break the habit of a lifetime and stop procrastinating long enough to actually get on with it. Maybe the fact that I have had no lovely pictures of finished objects for a wee while will spur me on... let's see!

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